The Candida Diet. “Come again?” . This article is indeed about the Candida Diet, but to correct your misconception, it is not about introducing yeast fungi to our body in order to lose weight because we already have these microorganisms in our intestinal tract. Instead, it focuses on dealing with the overgrowth of Candida which causes the medical condition called, Candidiasis.


It was Dr. William Crook who started the Candida Diet in 1983 when he said that excess Candida in our intestines, which is primarily caused by our diet leads to a condition called, yeast syndrome. This results in a wide array of symptoms – including fatigue, headache, depression, sinus congestion, mood swings, lack of concentration, poor memory and cravings for sweet. In addition, the excess Candida yeast in the intestines is able to penetrate the intestinal wall, which creates a portal of entry for the yeast and other unwanted particles to circulate and be absorbed in the body. Consequently, the absorbed particles activate the immune system causing an allergic hypersensitivity to Candida. A lot of holistic professionals support the validity of the syndrome, but there are also many medical professionals who do not support it.

According to Dr. Crook, the causes of the yeast syndrome are the following:

The use of antibiotics, oral contraceptives, steroids, antacids, anti-ulcer, and antibiotics
High-sugar diets
Food allergies and intolerances
Those who are at risk are the following:

Cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy
AIDS patients
Infants, Diabetics
Those with weak immune system
In order to fight the overgrowth of yeast in the intestines, we recommend the Candida Diet wherein you must follow strict a diet plan, which includes the exclusion of sugar and anything that contains yeast. However, before you start with the diet, it is crucial that you consult the expert advice of a health professional to know whether you are qualified to take the diet. Once you are given the go signal, you can expect to feel and see positive results after 4 weeks. Basically, the length of time required to be in the diet depends upon the severity of the symptoms and the length of time one has had them.

Candida Diet Foods to Eat

By knowing the cause of the primary cause of the yeast syndrome, you would already know the foods that could be eaten while on the diet. You might wonder what you can eat since you should really avoid or at least choose foods that are low in sugar, yeast and carbohydrates. Oils are also allowed in the Candida Diet since there are good fats that are important to the body such as omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. Below is a more detailed list of foods that you can eat:

Alfalfa sprouts, bell peppers, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bean sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, endive, fennel, garlic, green beans, kale, hot chilli peppers, onions, parsley, lettuce, radishes, spinach, spring onions, Swiss chard, yellow beans
Fresh fish, free range eggs, sea food (except shellfish), poultry, lamb and veal, skinless white meat of chicken and turkey
Culinary herbs and spices
It is also important to include 1 tbsp of flaxseed daily, as well as garlic because these ingredients help in killing Candida. Fats are also allowed in moderation, and your fat sources can be from oils like avocado oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, olive oil and primrose oil.

Candida Diet Foods to Avoid

Fermented foods such as bread with yeast, cheese, tomato paste, mushrooms and beer
Foods containing gluten and vinegar
Most dairy products should be restricted
Over-ripe fruits
High-sugar root vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes and beetroots
The diet might be more difficult during the first three weeks since a low-carb diet is recommended. However, after 2-3 weeks and as symptoms improve, dieters are already allowed to add more carbohydrates in the diet.

Candida Diet Pros

It is an effective detoxifying program that gets rid of your intestines with yeast.
You can experience improved health condition, while losing weight.
The diet is not only focused on losing weight, but also in improving overall health from your digestive system, to your immune system.
A lot of medical professionals support its effectiveness in dealing with the yeast syndrome.
Candida Diet Cons

It can test one’s patience so much since the first two steps of the program takes nearly two months to complete.
You are required to adapt drastic changes in your eating habits.
No scientific evidence supports the Yeast syndrome and its symptoms; therefore no scientific evidence supports the effectiveness of the recommended supplements and herbs.
Undeniably, the Candida Diet has many benefits, not only candida-wise, but also as an addition to your regular exercise plan when aiming for weight loss and detox. As with any other diet Fitness & Beauty Blog team encourages you to consult a doctor before starting it.